[Fot] TR3/4 cam help
Larry Young
cartravel at pobox.com
Sun Feb 1 16:58:39 MST 2015
Sorry I didn't respond sooner, but I had computer problems most of last
week. I have a page on this and an Excel spreadsheet you can download
(http://tildentechnologies.com/Cams/Tip_DegreeCam.html) It is not
difficult to do the measurements as Duncan describes. A Cam Doctor does
the same thing, but with more accuracy than you need for your purposes.
You should be able to compare the duration, lift and lobe separation to
other cams to give a good idea of how it will perform. I think you
should do this on any cam you install. I have been surprised by the
number of screwed up cams I've run across and some of them were from big
name companies.
- Larry
On 1/26/2015 8:50 AM, Duncan Charlton via Fot wrote:
> I've obtained cam specs with a dial indicator and a degree wheel,
> entering the data into Excel. It's time consuming but not that
> difficult when theamshaft is in the engine or chucked in a lathe --
> after seeing Larry Young's garage setup I realized I could do this
> manually. I haven't gotten around to calculating valve train
> acceleration yet but I was able to plot the curves of an unknown
> DeLong grind in a Ford 1500 engine and determine how much valve lash
> to use, which was the goal at the time. Larry's writings on the
> Tilden Technologies website are highly useful.
> However, these measurements did not tell me "which" DeLong cam I had,
> ie: its part number, so knowing "which cam" I had (and perhaps
> therefore whether it was judged by the manufacturer to be better or
> worse than some other grind) was not going to happen (not to mention
> that DeLong is long out of business). But plotting the curve against
> a Crane cam with a name that put it in the same ballpark ("300 degree"
> or somesuch) I could see where the differences were -- the Crane cam
> had greater lift, but the DeLong cam, with less total lift, had more
> acceleration, opening the valve to a greater degree early on in the
> curve, so the area under the curve could be close or perhaps even better.
> Duncan
> On 1/26/15 7:35 AM, EDWARD BARNARD via Fot wrote:
>> I would think that someone with a Cam Doctor (Larry Young) could run
>> them and retrieve the specs for a nominal fee. I bought a Cam Doctor
>> a few years back but didn't have a computer to dedicate to run it on;
>> it needed MSDOS. I resold it on Ebay and recovered my cost.
>> -Ed-
>> On Monday, January 26, 2015 6:54 AM, Bob Kramer via Fot
>> <fot at autox.team.net> wrote:
>> I got some Cams with the #67 car t hat were brand new but unknown
>> grinds. They were custom grinds and came in Crane Cam boxes/ I sent
>> them to Crane to run the specs for me; they charges $60.00 each to do
>> that. They could find no record of the cams in their extensive files.
>> I don't know what to do with them now that I did that (:
>> Bob Kramer
>> rkramer3 at austin.rr.com <mailto:rkramer3 at austin.rr.com>
>> ---- Greg And Alison Blake via Fot <fot at autox.team.net
>> <mailto:fot at autox.team.net>> wrote:
>> > I came across a cam with some crazy looking profiles on it today in
>> a box of spares that came with a TR4a dad and I purchased. It has the
>> following stamped on it:
>> > C-2781
>> > C285-2
>> > C290-2x6
>> >
>> > Anyone know what this might be? Profile on the lobes looks
>> interesting but it also looks like the grinder took a lot of metal
>> out of the cam to create this grind. It is a very small diameter
>> shaft now.
>> >
>> > Also in the spares was a Kastner F cam. Anyone run one of these
>> that can send me the characteristics? The nose on the lobes of the F
>> look really broad and rounded.
>> >
>> > Thanks,
>> >
>> > Greg
>> >
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