[Fot] J type overdrive pump

Larry Young cartravel at pobox.com
Fri May 23 09:38:26 MDT 2014

Thanks for all the quick responses.  The pump eccentric is properly 
keyed and the pump plunger goes up and down.  I believe it must be the 
residual valve as Steve mentioned.  Unfortunately, I decided not to 
replace it.  I assume the "trick" you mention is that of smacking the 
ball with a drift to seat it.  Probably doesn't work here because the 
seat is steel.  I don't have a mill, but we can try the one out of the 
original overdrive.  I have had this problem with A type overdrives 
too.  On an A type, It is easy to confirm it by tilting the transmission 
at an angle, emptying the accumulator and checking for fluid pumping 
into the accumulator.  For the J type, I did not have a low pressure 
gauge, so I thought that I would check the residual pumping by just 
seeing how much flows out with the gauge removed. It looked like the 
flow was only due to hydrostatic pressure.

Will let you know how we fair.

On 5/22/2014 6:51 PM, Steve Yott wrote:
> Check out the non-return valve on the "J"!
> Steve Yott
> Silver Lake Triumph Centre

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