[Fot] List Issues.

R. John Lye rjl at gt-classics.com
Wed May 21 10:10:59 MDT 2014

I explained what I suspect was the issue in an email about
a week or so ago.B  I administer a much smaller email list,
and we ran into the same problem.B  Recently, Yahoo and
some other Internet Service Providers made a policy change
that doesn't allow the "Reply to" field and the "Sender" field
in the header to be different.B  That is, anything coming from
an email list has to show the list as both the "Sender" and
the "Reply to" address.B  If they are different the email is
bounced back to the list moderator (mjb, in this case), and
after a sufficient number of such bounces (which will be a
lot in the case of an active list like this), the "offender"
gets removed from the list.B  The only way that I was able
to solve the problem was to have all of the emails on my
list show the "list" as both of the above values.B  While
this solves the immediate problem, it adds the problem
that "reply" now works like "reply all".B  Also, everyone
has to sign their emails now, or they become anonymous.

Sorry for rambling on for so long, but this policy change
at Yahoo (and the others) has been a royal pain for me,
and lots of other list admins.B  I'm sure that mjb is working
on a solution, and he will probably come up with a better
one than mine.B  However, I thought that it would be
worth explaining one major issue that is going on right

R. John Lye

On Wed, 21 May 2014 10:53:24 -0500, Joe Alexander via Fot
<fot at autox.team.net> wrote:
Craig, et.al.
> We need to hear from Mark Bradakis on this.
> If you have been bounced off the list, you may need to contact him.
> Regards,
> Joe Alexander
> 645 1st Street
> Jesup, IA 50648
> The-vintage-racer.com
> Gasketinnovations.com
> Cell:  319.464.4711
> > On May 18, 2014, at 12:22 PM, "Craig Wensley" <wensley_tr at comcast.net>
> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Joe
> > A lot of us have been move off the list. Something change don't what it
> was?
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rjl at gt-classics.com

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