[Fot] Kastner Cup spectator rallye information from the Red River Triumph Club

rkramer3 at austin.rr.com rkramer3 at austin.rr.com
Tue May 6 05:50:39 MDT 2014

Passed on fron Ed Baranrd, there is now a link on the Red River Triumph Club website: 


Kastner Cup
British Small Bore Festival
Fri. - Sun.
May 16-18, 2014

Eagles Canyon Raceway
Slidell, TX
The Kastner Cup is an all-Triumph vintage race, with the trophy presented by the legendary Kas Kastner, himself. And this is just one race in a great vintage racing weekend, including an all-British Small Bore race.

The British Small Bore race will start about 1pm Saturday, and features a variety of British vintage race cars, including Triumphs, of course.

A special RRTC perk is planned during the lunch break on Saturday, about noon.  During the lunch break for the racers, club cars will be allowed on the track (but NO RACING).

This event is hosted by Corintian Vintage Auto Racing (CVAR)., and there is also more info on the Kastner Cup at the Friends of Triumph web site.
Eagles Canyon Raceway is located on Hwy 51 just north of Decatur (map).

Bob Kramer
rkramer3 at austin.rr.com

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