[Fot] hi rev. miss
TR4 Tony
tr4.tony at virgin.net
Wed Feb 12 08:06:04 MST 2014
Might be worth looking at the condenser in the dizzy .... The current green
box LUCAS ones are poor. I use a hybrid rubber wrapped one that sits outside
the dizzy. Far more reliable and deals with big rpm and vibration very well.
Sent from my iPhone
> On 12 Feb 2014, at 14:48, "TeriAnn J. Wakeman" <tjwakeman at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 2/12/14, 7:11 AM, KENMUN at aol.com wrote:
>> took the tr3 to sebring last week end. ran ok except for a miss that
>> above 4500 rpm.
> What does your fuel pressure look like at that RPM? Could be your pump is
not quite keeping up with your engine or there might be a restriction in the
fuel circuit.
> Never forget that ignition and fuel related problems tend to have the same
> TeriAnn
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