[Fot] EGT's again... the averages

Barr, Scott sbarr at McCarty-Law.com
Thu May 23 12:15:41 MDT 2013

Tony wrote:  << a bit richer than stoichiometric, ie 13:1. >>

And I said "...wait, what?".   13:1?   I have always heard that gasoline fuel
stoich point was 14.7.  A little research says Tony's right as usual.  I've
been reading my A/F meter at 14.5 or so and thinking that was a good thing.

Time to turn the adjusting nuts out a few flats and take a look at the

-----Original Message-----
From: fot-bounces at autox.team.net [mailto:fot-bounces at autox.team.net] On Behalf
Of Tony Drews
Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 10:58 AM
To: Bill Tobin
Cc: fot
Subject: Re: [Fot] EGT's again... the averages

I made best power when the car ran slightly "rich", a bit richer than
stoichiometric ie 13:1. I ended up with best power closer to 12.5:1.  So, some
of the high EGT is due to fuel still burning when the exhaust port opens.

The A/F meter was at the dyno, I don't have one in my car.  The leaded gas
kills the A/F pickup.  I bought a new one for the dyno session and we killed
it by the end of the testing.

Tony Drews

At 10:38 AM 5/23/2013, Bill Tobin wrote:
>Tony, what kind of A/F ratio setup do you use? And what ratio do you
>shoot for?
>Thanks, Bill
>----- Original Message ----- From: "Tony Drews" <tony at tonydrews.com>
>To: <toodamnfunky at comcast.net>; "Scott Janzen" <sjanzen at me.com>
>Cc: "fot" <fot at autox.team.net>
>Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 10:30 AM
>Subject: Re: [Fot] EGT's again... the averages
>>By the way, my carb jetting was determined on an engine Dyno, and
>>included the use of an air/fuel ratio gauge.  So, I just noted the
>>EGT's produced at that time as "baseline".
>>Tony Drews
>>At 09:19 AM 5/23/2013, toodamnfunky at comcast.net wrote:
>>>Thanks guys for the input.
>>>We see probes mounted anywhere from 1.75 " to 6" from the flange
>>>and EGT's from 1300 to 1400. So it's an average of 3.9" from the
>>>flange and 1362F for EGT's.
>>>Very helpful,
>>>Jim G.
>>>----- Original Message -----
>>>From: "Scott Janzen" <sjanzen at me.com>
>>>To: "fot" <fot at autox.team.net>
>>>Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 6:42:37 AM
>>>Subject: Re: [Fot] EGT's again
>>>2" from the head. B  1300 degrees on the GT6 at 7000 RPM, 32 degrees
>>>Tailpipe is tan/grey, leaded 110, forged Venolia pistons, 12:1
>>>compression I suspect I could lean it out a bit - need some dyne time
>>>with the webers to determine.
>>fot at autox.team.net
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