[Fot] Brake pads don't fit

MadMarx tr4racing at googlemail.com
Thu May 23 10:48:54 MDT 2013

I run EBC yellow stuff.
They always fit well. But they are not aggressive pads. They do a gentle
job, especially on the wet.


-----Urspr|ngliche Nachricht-----
Von: fot-bounces at autox.team.net [mailto:fot-bounces at autox.team.net] Im
Auftrag von davehogye
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 23. Mai 2013 18:32
An: Fot at autox.team.net
Betreff: [Fot] Brake pads don't fit

Hello friends,
I've been driving my TR3 on the street with Hawk blue pads and have put over
500 miles on them now. They make a mess of dust all over and they've been
squealing like crazy driving around town between stops sometimes. I ordered
a set of performance street pads from Moss and the outside pad will not fit
in the caliper. It's obvious that the rotor is not centered in the caliper,
but the Hawk pads went in no problem, so I hadn't noticed the offset until
trying to fit other pads. I got another set of street pads, thinking the
Moss pads where fat and same problem.
I have TR3 uprights, TR4A-TR6 caliper carriers and new, not remanufactured,
calipers from BPNorthwest and new aluminum hubs. I called BPN thinking the
caliper might be the problem and they have had no other calls on this.
Perhaps the hub dimensions are off. I guess I'll have to shave the outside
pads to fit them, but has anyone else come across this issue. I'll be
measuring things and hopefully find out what's going on, but it looks like
at least .050" will have to come off the pad.

fot at autox.team.net


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