[Fot] EGT's again

Tony Drews tony at tonydrews.com
Wed May 22 21:19:27 MDT 2013

I run about 6" from the flange.  I run 1400 in the 2nd half of the 
straights and have never seen any evidence of melting on my forget 
pistons.  I suspect that thinner cast pistons may be more susceptible 
to melting.  I also run 110 octane leaded and about 32 degrees of advance.

Tony Drews

At 03:23 PM 5/22/2013, toodamnfunky at comcast.net wrote:
>I know this has been brought up before but I don't know if there is 
>any consensus.
>The question is two parts.
>EGT probe location and what are considered normal temps. Westach 
>users guide will say the probes should be located
>6" from the manifold but Sam H says you start getting flakey 
>readings out there so he suggests 6" from the valve.
>That's right about where I'm at but I am seeing 1250 F on the EGT's 
>but yet my plugs are telling a richer story.
>It's been suggested that any less than 3" from the manifold and the 
>probe is right in the flame coming out of the valve and thus
>reading artificially high.
>So, just curious as to where peo ple locate thier probes and what 
>kind of EGT's they see.
>When I read threads from other makes I hear about people considering 
>1400F as normal.
>It seems that if that were a true reading there would be some piston 
>melting going on.
>Thanks again for the input,
>jim g
>fot at autox.team.net
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