[Fot] Rear axle rebuild

Greg And Alison Blake ablake2 at austin.rr.com
Thu Jun 13 19:10:41 MDT 2013

Glad it worked for ya.

On Jun 13, 2013, at 4:17 PM, Todd Redmond <alfetta95 at optonline.net> wrote:

> FoT,
> Anyone in, or know of anyone in, Northern NJ who has experience in
rebuilding the rear axle for the TR3?  I'll deliver.
> If not, who might I ship this to for the rebuild.  It is a southwick axle.
The carrier has been removed from another axle. (Thanks Greg and Allison Blake
for the rope trick)
> I have all the parts, including bearings, ring and pinon but no knowledge.
I think this one is better left to experience.
> Thanks
> Todd
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