[Fot] SVRA Watkins Glenn

john hasty jhhasty at gdhs.com
Tue Jun 11 08:09:00 MDT 2013

Can't remember who, but someone wanted to know if the SVRA had changed any.
I would say yes.  They were all very polite and easy to get along with.
They still won't honor other organization's annual tech, but can't say that
it is a bad idea to check all the cars.  Met Bill Tobin, nice guy.  My first
time at WG and was a bit intimidated on Fri. when the first introduction was
in the rain. High speed corners, blue armco 4' off the pavement and rain are
not my cup of tea.  Sat was dry and I really enjoyed the track, although the
concrete patches were really rough. Sat. race I was in 5th. Overall having a
great race with a 914 (who stayed behind me) & the radiator hose came off on
last lap, the water was not too hot & my face shield needed cleaning anyway.
Sun. got blocked at start, passed 4 cars into turn 2, but the fast MG's were
out of sight by then, and Randy Willams TR3 quit on him. The rest of the
race was with none in sight either in front or behind me.  I'll go to other
SVRA events at Mid Ohio and VIR, better treatment than before for sure.....

John H. Hasty
Attorney At Law
Guthrie, Davis, Henderson & Staton, P.L.L.C.
719 East Boulevard
Charlotte, North Carolina 28203-5113
Tele: (704) 372-5600
Fax: (704) 372-4601
E-mail: jhhasty at gdhs.com
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