[Fot] Aluminum rear brake drums

Tony Drews tony at tonydrews.com
Fri Jun 21 06:17:07 MDT 2013

Wow.  Just... wow.  What GREAT information.  I love this group!

Tony D (the other Tony)

At 02:36 AM 6/21/2013, TR4 Tony wrote:
>Bastuck remanufactured these 9.055 inch drums based on the old 240z pattern,
>but both the quality and machining is variable. The sell them specifically to
>fit the TR hub pattern. You need to do a lot of work to these to make them
>right, including the more obvious dimensional mods as the shoes don't sit
>nicely in them.
>Brembo used to similarly make a repro in 240z configuration. These were ok.
>Same issues as above though.
>The best solution is to get old 240z drums and machine these up, but some
>caution on relining needed - the issue is the lining detaching so if your guys
>get round this then fine, if not its a bad job.
>There are other alloy drums out there at the moment supplied by MOSS one in 9
>inch and one for the 10 inch axle. These are mainly supplied through
>Racestorations and a sister company. I've tried all of these and the quality
>is very poor and a big accident waiting if you use the 10 inch ones
>particularly. The aftersales service when I had a problem was disgraceful so
>make your own judgement on that one.
>The only alloy drums I could recommend are the Typecast vintage replicas which
>are supplied in 10 inch - these are proper cast and spun items and a really
>good job. These guys are on the web as brakedum.com and in Leicester UK. Next
>up would be old Datsun finned type.
>Also note that alloy drums are fragile - one good hit and they shatter -
>except the typecast ones which are made of a higher quality 'softer' material.
>Not great for howling round on the loose.
>In terms of braking performance, the tests that I did a few years back on a
>good sample of all the various drums on my (heavy) rally car showed up the 10
>inch steel drums as having the most stopping power metre by metre. The 9 inch
>alloy 240 z drums were close, but only because I'd toleranced them to a set of
>shoes that Ted S sent me years back - they were on a trigger and the whole
>shoe seated beautifully. Mintex M1144 shoes were also good and I used those as
>the 'control'.
>Having said all that you really have to be at the outer edge before you get
>any benefit over the standard steel drum when its properly vented,
>particularly on the 10 inch .... Even when too hot to touch. So for the cost
>I'd go on a diet of costly fish food to lose the weight if it got that
>Regards to all
>Sent from my iPhone
>On 20 Jun 2013, at 12:38, "Bill Tobin" <william.tobin31 at verizon.net> wrote:
> > Hi Todd, the quick answer is I don't think so.
> > There are a couple differences between the Z drums and Triumph drums. I
>think one of Kas' books explained them.
> > By what I hear, the finned aluminum drums are no longer available.
> > BTW, I recently bought a set of Z drums on e-bay and am planning on fitting
>them to my TR6. I'll keep you posted.
> > Cheers, Bill
> > ----- Original Message ----- From: "Todd Redmond" <alfetta95 at optonline.net>
> > To: <FOT at autox.team.net>
> > Sent: Wednesday, June 19, 2013 12:06 PM
> > Subject: [Fot] Aluminum rear brake drums
> >
> >
> >> Fot,
> >>
> >> Looking at buying a used set of Datsun 240z Aluminum finned rear brake
>drums. Found a pair.
> >> Might be a silly questions but can these be relined?
> >>
> >> Thanks
> >> Todd

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