[Fot] Posting Notes

Mark J Bradakis mark at bradakis.com
Fri Jul 12 17:16:33 MDT 2013

A member of another list sent out a test message.  I informed the fellow 
he failed
the test, and in order to send another test message he had to use the 
donate link
to send me his life savings.  Oh well, a guy can dream.

But seriously, I did take the time to update some info, here's the message:

Well shucks.  Just checked Paypal, no one sent me their life savings 
yet, and it
has already been nearly two days - slackers!  Guess I won't be packing 
for that
early retirement in Belize just yet.

Seriously, the test message did prompt me to update the notes about 
postings to
the list.  I am the worst slacker of all when it comes to Team.Net 
updates.  So take
a moment if you are having issues with your messages getting sent out to 
look at


If your problem isn't addressed there, let me know and I'll look into it 
and update
the file.


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