[Fot] Rear End Ratios

john hasty jhhasty at gdhs.com
Mon Jul 1 10:57:02 MDT 2013

The overall ratio we have in the TR3A is 3.7 achieved with a 4.1 rear end
and overdrive.  At VIR, Road Atlanta, Savanna and Mid Ohio, all with long
straights, we are turning 6200 at the end of each of them.  Elkhart Lake has
longer straights and we are concerned that we might need a taller rear end
gear.  If we put 3.7 rear end gears in we would have an overall ratio of
3.66 which I believe would produce 800rpm less or the same as turning
7000rpm with the 4.1. I can't turn 7000 with a stock crank so;   Does anyone
with experience at Elkhart have a suggestion?   What do you run there?
Thanks guys/gals......

John H. Hasty
Attorney At Law
Guthrie, Davis, Henderson & Staton, P.L.L.C.
719 East Boulevard
Charlotte, North Carolina 28203-5113
Tele: (704) 372-5600
Fax: (704) 372-4601
E-mail: jhhasty at gdhs.com
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