[Fot] fot-racing.com

BillDentin at aol.com BillDentin at aol.com
Mon Jan 14 12:43:31 MST 2013

In a message dated 01/14/2013 1:20:28 PM Central Standard Time, 
yellow-green at sbcglobal.net writes:

> I like Babcocks idea.
> If we had a template that the members could access - we could start to see 
> who
> we are as a group.  A bio section with pictures and words would be cool.
> That said - who on the list is even interested in making a page about 
> themself
> and their Racing Triumph?

God knows I'm way too verbose to be against free speech, and of course Bill 
Babcock's forgotten more about such new software and how it works than I'll 
ever hope to know, but I'd have some concern about opening up the FOT 
Website to wholesale input for all members without the benefit of an 'editor'.  
That's what editors are for..the purpose they serve.  Look what happens here 
on the FOT List.  All members are granted an 'open mike' here, and it works 
great...but let's face it...we sure can get rag tag now and again.  Our 
website is ought to be on purpose and not by accident.  I absolutely think all 
members should have access and even be encouraged to submit items, but I also 
think the Website benefits with an 'editor'.  

Bill Dentinger

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