[Fot] Spitfire head gaskets

Mark J Bradakis mark at bradakis.com
Tue Dec 31 23:51:13 MST 2013

Jack Mc wrote:
> Does Payen head gasket set CK260 fit Spitfire 1500 engines ? (1976 in this
> case)
> The set is labeled "4 Cyl. 1.3L 5313 Spitfire Mk  IV "
> But it is what BPNW sent me for  Spit 1500 - I was expecting CK261
> Apparently BPNW cannot be bothered to answer this question for me and I am not
> familiar enough with Spit engines to know if all the gaskets are the same.
> Thanks and Happy New Year
> Jack Mc

The Mark 4 1296 block is the same as the 1500.  The gaskets will fit.

On a side note there was a bit of Team.Net outage while I was away, but
I managed to get the cat sitter to cycle power on the cable modem. Sorry
for any inconvenience.


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