[Fot] I need a measurement

Robert M. Lang lang at isis.mit.edu
Fri Dec 27 10:18:47 MST 2013


If you have a used late-style TR6 head gasket laying around, I need a 
favor. I need to know the thickness of the fire ring (after being 

I had a TR6 block decked to true it and they took off .006", but now the 
recesses measure about .012" - I think I need to have the recesses re-cut, 
but I want to know how much crush we can get away with.

I know the answer, but I want an actual measurement from a used head 

In a total lapse of good judgement, I actually threw out the one I took 
off this engine. GO figure. Probably the first time I ever cleaned up a 
job before it was done.


Thanks in advance.

Bob Lang              Triumph TR6!!            |  This space for rent
Former NER Solo Chair                          |
Voice:617-253-7438                             |  Cell: 339-927-4489

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