[Fot] FW: Auto Scans

Kenneth Knight kknight at klaenv.com
Mon Dec 9 09:34:37 MST 2013

Good Morning All:


At the recent SEMA show I discovered this new addition to the
www.cartechbooks.com catalog "Modern Engine Blueprinting Techniques".  This
book explains all aspects of the blueprinting process and if you are new to
building motors, or have been doing it for years, there is much to learn.
The question about "shot peening", as discussed in recent posts, is answered
on pg. 57.  It is a very complete overview and well worth the read and
modest investment.


So if your need to give someone an idea for a Christmas present this is it!
More HP for your TR motor in 2014!


Cheers and Happy Holidays, Ken


From: Paige Arcuri [mailto:parcuri at klaenv.com] 
Sent: Monday, December 09, 2013 8:06 AM
To: 'Kenneth Knight'
Subject: Auto Scans




Paige Arcuri

Office Manager


Knight & Leavitt Associates 

4105 Wagon Trail Avenue

Las Vegas, NV. 89118

(702) 897-2628

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[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pdf which had a name of scan.pdf]

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