[Fot] Light pressure plates?

Tony Drews tony at tonydrews.com
Fri Dec 6 11:09:07 MST 2013

So this discussion about harmonic balancers raised the issue of light 
flywheel / pressure plate.  I've got a nice light flywheel, but am 
running the stock diaphragm pressure plate because I really disliked 
the engagement characteristics of the Tilton setup I originally had 
(it's a toggle switch, so backing off the trailer and driving around 
the paddock is challenging).

Is there a pressure plate out there that directly replaces the stock 
one but is lighter?  I saw one on the 'net that looked like it might 
be lighter, but it didn't give weight and the company didn't respond 
to my inquiry.

Thanks in advance, Tony Drews

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