[Fot] [cvar_general] Parking for the F1 race this weekend in Austin

Bob Kramer rkramer3 at austin.rr.com
Tue Nov 13 19:17:32 MST 2012

I don't have a flag but I do have a banner. Are there any FOT coming from
around the country?

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 13, 2012, at 8:04 PM, jason at multivintage.com wrote:

> Sweet. I wish I was partying down there already. I'm a big F1 junky, year in
and year out, regardless of its crazy enterprise antics.
> Wave the FoT flag for us down there for us.
> Seriously...wave one of those sweet FoT flags, a good camera shot of that
ought to get a comment from David Hobbs...
> Have fun, you lucky Texans and others that may attend. It should be very
> Jason Ostrowski
> Friendly Ghost Racing
> Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Duncan Charlton <duncan.charlton54 at gmail.com>
> Sender: fot-bounces at autox.team.netDate: Tue, 13 Nov 2012 19:34:22
> To: Fireball<rkramer3 at austin.rr.com>
> Cc: FOT of Triumph'<fot at autox.team.net>
> Subject: Re: [Fot] [cvar_general] Parking for the F1 race this weekend in
> Austin
> You might look into getting a day pass to park at a picnic area in McKinney
> Falls State Park.  It's not that far from Richard Moya park (closer than
> old machine shop was).
> I have a seat reserved at turn 6 but who knows where I'll end up at any
> point.  I hope I run into a few vintage racers there.  If you've got an
> with the new Invite Friends application, we could set up the temporary
> so we can find out where each other are in the crowd.
> Duncan Charlton
> On Nov 13, 2012, at 6:08 PM, Fireball wrote:
>> Thanks to fellow TR4 racer Bob Blake I have a ticket for the F1 race. I
> didn't buy one because I have enough hobbies and interests and I am afraid
> might get hooked on open wheel racing, but I'm going to take the chance and
> keep Bob company. I expect other CVARers will be there as well.
>> Bob and I plan on cycling to Richard Moya Park and taking the short
> Ideally we would know somebody close enough to the park to make this a
> hop but neither of us does. Until they went belly up my old machine shop
> have been a perfect place to hide a car for the day. Sooo, do any of you
> brethern live nearby the airport in Austin, and would you let us park our
> cars? We promise not to put it them on blocks:)
>> This may be a shot in the dark but it never hurts to ask. we could bring
> TR6's is space is limited.
>> Bob Kramer
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