[Fot] Subject: Re: front toe setting for racing TR6

Catpusher at aol.com Catpusher at aol.com
Wed Nov 21 15:52:20 MST 2012

This reminds me of my time before correcting the bump and rebound changes  
in my TR's system; part of the process is to exactly center the rack  First. 
 The TR had 1.2" toe in on full bump, 1.7" toe Out on  rebound; trying to 
set to 1\32" was some what futile.  Yes, we are talking  inches here!
TR Regards,


Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2012 13:06:42 -0600
From: Tony Drews  <tony at tonydrews.com>
To: "Chuck Arnold and/or Kathleen Kelley"  <triosan at gmail.com>, Friends
<fot at autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: [Fot] front toe setting for racing  TR6
Message-ID:  <mailman.10.1353524402.27956.fot at autox.team.net>
Content-Type:  text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed

What I said was:
1/16"  total, or 1/32" on each side.  Up to 1/8" total Toe In would be  

You should center the rack first if possible, but I just  point it 
straight ahead as I come to a stop.

Pulling to one side  indicates something else not being the same from 
side to side.  I've  got to chase a bit of that myself as I am pulling 
to the left under braking  after my front suspension swap.  I'll try 
to do a much more detailed  setting of camber and caster prior to 
re-doing the toe  settings.


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