[Fot] Race fuel

MadMarx tr4racing at googlemail.com
Tue May 29 09:49:43 MDT 2012

I run on lead free pump fuel from 98 to 102 octane.
Whatever you can get on the fuel station.
Compression is 11.5:1


-----Urspr|ngliche Nachricht-----
Von: fot-bounces at autox.team.net [mailto:fot-bounces at autox.team.net] Im
Auftrag von SpiwakD at aol.com
Gesendet: Dienstag, 29. Mai 2012 14:34
An: fot at autox.team.net
Betreff: [Fot] Race fuel

I use low-lead 100 octane aircraft fuel in my TR3 with 12.5-1 compression.
I have never had any problems, but am wondering if I have sufficient
octane. If  I need more octane, should I make a blend by adding race  fuel?
fot at autox.team.net


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