[Fot] FP Reg

cofrog at q.com cofrog at q.com
Mon May 28 14:09:30 MDT 2012

My "cheapo clicker" (Facet Pump?) has done the same.  Hope the gods don't kill the poor thing now that I've sounded off. 

----- Original Message -----
From: "Greg \"Lunker\" Hilyer" <Lunkercars at earthlink.net>
To: "John Hasty" <jhhasty at gdhs.com>
Cc: "Friends of Triumph" <FOT at autox.team.net>
Sent: Monday, May 28, 2012 12:21:21 PM
Subject: Re: [Fot] FP Reg

My guess is that for a pressure swing like that there might be a  
venting problem. Does the fuel cell ever have any pressure when you  
remove the cap?[it shouldn't].
My cheapo "clicker" type pump has been clicking away a steady and  
unregulated 2.5psi for many years now - in fact, if I know me, it was  
probably used when I put it in.
My $.02
Greg "Lunker" Hilyer
TR4 #314
Albuquerque NM
On May 28, 2012, at 11:05 AM, John Hasty wrote:

> What kind of fuel pressure reg. are you all using?  I am now on the  
> 2nd Holly
> and with it set @ 3lbs in the pits, it moves from 2 to 8 out on the  
> track when
> we tested Friday.  At anything over 3 I get a stutter coming on the  
> gas out of
> the slower turns.
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