[Fot] sighting

Mark J Bradakis mark at bradakis.com
Mon May 7 19:03:46 MDT 2012

Neat.  At the risk of upsetting folks with a non-racing story  I saw an 
eagle once.
Well, I've seen many eagles.  The one that I remember was on the way to 
a climbing
trip in the Tetons.  I had driven most of the way from Salt Lake after a 
dead of night
start.  We got to Alpine, Wyoming just before dawn, I was tired, another 
guy took
over driving.  It might have been my old '67 Coronet wagon.  Anyway, we 
heading up Alpine Canyon along the Snake River.  I was trying to get 
comfy in
the back seat for a nap.  Along the way I sat up to rearrange the 
sweaters and
such I was using for a pillow and glanced out the window.  It was a 
cool, foggy
morning in the dim light of the breaking dawn.  A *huge* Golden eagle swoops
out of the mist, snags a fish from the river and disappears into the 
gray.  Beautiful!

I'm still glad that I happened to look out the window at that very moment.


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