[Fot] 2012 Mitty

John Hasty jhhasty at gdhs.com
Tue May 1 17:29:02 MDT 2012

Bill... Come join us at the VDCA events at Roebling rd Savannah... 2 more
This year

Sent from my iPhone

On May 1, 2012, at 5:10 PM, William T newman  <mnewman at embarqmail.com> wrote:

> To All:
> Mary and I got back to our home in Florida about 1:00 PM today. Everything
still is in good shape, inlcuding the GT6. The Mitty was the best weekend we
have had in a long time. I want to thank Kas and Peggy for being there as the
guests of honor (thanks Kas for signing my car door on Friday).  Thanks to Tim
Suddard and his team for their sponsorship of the event, as well as the
Vintage Triumph Register ( I enjoyed talking to Mike Cook).
> We established many new friendships, most noteably, the Sulkey family, the
Alexander family, the Kahlers and all the others of our Triumph Friends.
> I had a fun time with Bill Collins, John Hasty and Sean Alexander in the
Kastner Cup Race on Saturday. Good job Sean, pasing me before the finish! The
Sunday race was also a lot of fun with hard pressure from Bill Collins, Greg
Kimbrough and Bob Kramer (Good job Bob, you got me!).
> I had a great time and would like to to it again with you folks in Forida. I
will be willing to help to set something up at Sebring if anyone is
> Bill Newman
> #44 GT6
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