[Fot] Thanks

Richard Taylor tarch at bellsouth.net
Sat May 19 08:31:59 MDT 2012


Yesterday afternoon at work,  I blocked-out time for the dreariest of
architectural tasks; writing Specifications. In my trade: no drawing = no
fun. The day was resigned to professional atonement; a sort of business


But I made one mistake.  I checked the mail first. In it was your package of
rocker shaft do-dads.. and Kas's TRIUMPHS!


I presume I don't need to tell you where the afternoon went from there.  


TRIUMPHS, I couldn't put down. What an incredible combination of high
technology, auto lore, personalities and good ole-fashioned sound advice.
Being terminally right brained, all the great photographs kept my nose right
in it.  And, of course, Kas's writing style makes you wonder why his mantra
isn't "Never beaten by  Elocution."


The Mitty was terrific! You are living proof of how much extra work it takes
to run an unstructured organization. Thanks from all us FOTers for all the
(mostly invisible) work you do for our un-club. Clumsily paraphrased,
"Seldom in the field of amateur competition, have so many owed so much to so
few (specifically, you & Uncle Jack)."


But especially, thank you for the package yesterday. 


You're a great friend,












Richard  L. Taylor, Jr.,    FAIA

t.+++Suite+196&csz=Atlanta,+Georgia&country=us> 112  Krog  St.      Suite
Atlanta,     Georgia,    30307

04)+223-1313&Email=tarch at bellsouth.net> (404) 223-1313 

fax:             (404) 223-1312

04)+660-4920&Email=tarch at bellsouth.net> (404) 660-4920 


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