[Fot] Kastner Cup T.shirt & Walter Mitty

Ted Schumacher tedtsimx at bright.net
Wed May 2 11:04:23 MDT 2012

Hello lists.  The Kastner Cup race was great. Lots of cars, good 
competition and fun.  The Kastner Cup shirt was a hit and many people 
requested additional shirts.  There seems to be enough interest to do 
one more run of shirts.  We are donating a portion of the proceeds from 
the sale of all the Kastner Cup shirts to Mark Bradakis, the operator 
and majordomo of all the team.net sites. Mark's efforts benefit all of 
us in this hobby - racers, restorer's or just plain interested 
enthusiasts.   Even if we don't get a sufficient number of orders, 
please donate to team.net.  Kas likes the idea of Mark getting some 
extra funds and might be persuaded to autograph your shirt.  Details 
worked out between buyers and Kas. Email Kas at kaskas at cox.net.

We have a final order date of close of business, May 14.  Tuesday we are 
go or no/go. Shirts will be $15 for size small through XL. $18 for XXL 
or XXXL. (price does not include shipping)  You need to contact us with 
your name, shipping address and method of payment - 
Visa/MasterCard/Discover or send a check - no PayPal.  If we have enough 
orders, shirts will be printed and shipped. If we do not have a 
sufficient number of orders,your information will be shredded.  A 
minimum of 48 orders is needed.  For those who have not seen the shirt, 
here is a link to view the shirt.


Order early, order often. Thanks for all your support. Ted

Ted Schumacher
tedtsimx at bright.net
108 S. Jefferson St.
Pandora, Ohio, USA 45877
Fax: 419.384.3272 (24 Hrs.)
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