[Fot] So....

Robert M. Lang lang at isis.mit.edu
Tue May 1 17:40:36 MDT 2012

Hey - I'll echo the WOW thing.

I took about 1700 pix, but there's a lot of "tossers" in there, so it'll 
be more like 50 or 60 when I'm done. Maybe a bit more than that. Standing 
at the fence sticking my camera through a hole with various race cars 
shooting by at speed - THANKYOU SO MUCH FOR THE CREDS, that's one for the 
bucket list. Thanks to Joe, Henry, Andy Reid and the folks from GRM  / 
Classic Motorsports.

To Clark's query "Did anyone see Ric Cline?" I did not.

But I am next to positive that I saw Fletcher Willliams walk by Henry's 
paddock spot, but he didn't stop to chat and I didn't feel like chasing 
him down for a picture, it was late FRI I think and I was pretty "burnt".

I haven't had a chance to see if any of the _FILM_ that I shot worked out, 
but if so, I'll post a message here and we can figure out if "we" want to 
do anything with it. On the plus side, if there's a chance to shoot a pano 
shot at the next FOT event, I'll do it. I promose to be more organized and 
READY next time.

In any case, I'll be sending copies of the the pix to Henry for getting 
them on the FOT site and I'll likely post some of the better shots on 
Flickr or SmugMug or Facebook. It is my intention to also post some onfo 
on what shots I do have and I'll include some instructions on how you can 
get a shot or shots of your car(s) "royalty free". More on that later.

Last - if anyone found a 4 GB CF memory card in the FOT paddock, it's 
probably the one that I can't seem to find. I'm note 100% sure where I 
dropped it, but I took it out of the camera THU around noon and have no 
recollection of seeing it after that, so, I probably left it on a hard 
surface or it dropped out of my pocket somewhere. In any case, if you 
found it or saw it, drop me a line.

Looking forward to the other RA in 2013. Maybe I'll even have a Triumph 

c ya,
Bob Lang              Triumph TR6!!            |  This space for rent
Former NER Solo Chair                          |
Voice:617-253-7438                             |  Cell: 339-927-4489

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