[Fot] Calendar?

Dennis DeLap yellow-green at sbcglobal.net
Sun Jan 8 16:32:04 MST 2012

Go ED!

What size pictures do you need? (500KB big enough?)

Chris and
group: At the risk of stepping on toes, I will step up to the
calender plate
since I have yet to do anything but reap the knowledge and
friendships of this
group. I co-publish the calenders for our local TR club.
We have just (last
month) published our fourth calender year, and the pictures
get better every
year. We have a great printer who does them quickly, at a
reasonable price. We
print 75 copies for a membership of about 100-110. They
cost less then $10.00
each. We start to collect membership photos in January,
firm up the selection
in November, and turn them in to the printer the first
of December. We start
selling them at the December club meeting the second
week in December. I use a
lot of pictures of cars that come into the shop for
service, so even if we
don't get pictures turned in by the car owners, we
still get a lot of
If you would like me to do it I would ask list members to turn in
photos from
events they attend as drivers, workers, or spectators. These would
cataloged and the selection made by photo quality, content, and car model
we would have a good sampling of the FOT cars.
Of course, with the number
of FOTer's we can order more calenders at a better
price with any profits
going to support Mark B's never-ending efforts.
If this meets every ones
approval I can start to collect pictures.
Respectfully - Ed Barnard

--- On
Sun, 1/8/12, Christopher Bock <SeaCubeCo at aol.com> wrote:

From: Christopher
Bock <SeaCubeCo at aol.com>
Subject: Re: [Fot] Calendar?
To: "TR4 Tony"
<tr4.tony at virgin.net>
Cc: "FoTTriumph" <fot at autox.team.net>
Date: Sunday,
January 8, 2012, 1:04 PM

Holly smoke!  Guess I have my work cut out for me.
Please send me schedules for the different clubs that we race in.  I want to
put that in the calendar as well as the normal holidays.

I would like a
picture from a race that was held that month with a little
description of car,
driver, race, year,  and track. When sending pictures
please send them to me
directly (SeaCubeCo at aol.com) with the information and
"FOT calendar pics" in
the subject.

There is a lot of thinking I have to do give me a few days.  I
know this is
ambitious but I want to get most of this done before the end of

Like my life isn't busy enough!


On Jan 8, 2012, at 1:07
PM, TR4 Tony <tr4.tony at virgin.net> wrote:

> Yeah I'm up for one of those
Sent from my iPhone
> On 8 Jan 2012, at 15:24, Christopher Bock
<SeaCubeCo at aol.com> wrote:
>> Amici
>> Any thoughts about a calendar with
the FOT cars and people?
>> Yeah stupid me opening my big mouth and
starting this can of worms.  Guess
>> nominated myself.
>> Chris.
>> fot at autox.team.net
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