[Fot] Undetuning and restoration of a TR250

Mark J Bradakis mark at bradakis.com
Sun Jan 8 12:24:44 MST 2012

Larry Young wrote:
> Over the past couple of months, I have finally gotten started on the 
> restoration of my TR250.  I have had this car since it was new.  It is 
> very nearly in original condition, because I never had the money to 
> modify it back when I wanted to.  Since I plan to keep it fairly 
> original, the FoT is probably the wrong group to be talking to.  So, 
> where do the 6 cylinder guys hang out?

Team.Net has both the triumphs and 6pack lists
( http://www.team.net/mailman/listinfo ) though there is more activity
on the 6pack forum they have set up.  I know I have a link here somewhere...


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