[Fot] Calendar?

BillDentin at aol.com BillDentin at aol.com
Sun Jan 8 09:28:49 MST 2012

In a message dated 01/08/2012 10:12:04 AM Central Standard Time, 
n197tr4 at cs.com writes:

> <<< It would be very cool if we had a photographer type volunteer to 
> organize a
> group picture at Road Atlanta. A panograph would be huge......>>>

I have three mounted/framed panographes from previous TRIUMPH featured 
events at Mid-Ohio in 1992, 1998, and 2002.  I also have the 1992 poster (signed 
by all of the drivers and folks like Bob Tullius and Smokey Yunik) 
mounted/framed.  If I use my enclosed trailer to get to Atlanta, maybe I could bring 
them for display purposes to generate interest in a calendar effort.


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