[Fot] FOT Mitty update

marty sukey trmarty at hotmail.com
Sat Jan 21 08:33:53 MST 2012

2012 Kastner Cup / Mitty Update.  Right now we have 41 drivers hoping to
attend. It is not too late to get your name added to the shirt if you are
planning on attending let me know.  I
have been in discussion with Classic Motorsports and they are interested in
putting a photo spread on the Mitty.com web site of all the FOT attending.
Maybe we could do the same thing on the FOT
web site. I will be coordinating this. So, if you are planning on running at
the Mitty email me some pictures. Pictures of you and your car, pictures of
your car, pictures of your crew, whatever you have that would be appropriate.
Send them to me at trmarty at hotmail.com with Mitty pictures
in the subject line so I know what all the attachments are that start showing
up.  The sooner the better.  As far as the shirts, there is still time to
order your 2012 Kastner Cup shirts. There is still time to order FOT shirts
also but we are a ways off from hitting the minimum buy quantity of 48 shirts
on those.


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