[Fot] Coil Overs at the Rear

Bobby Whitehead igofaster at att.net
Thu Dec 20 08:39:08 MST 2012

As far a coil overs on the rear of a GT6? I'm not an engineer buy on the MKII 
and MKIII the shock towere is on the inside of the wheel well... I don't think 
there is enough clearance without major modification to the wheel well to adapt 
a mounting point.
I believe the MKI used a shock mount that mounted somewhat to the frame inside 
the back of the wheel well... I think there is a modification that I bought from 
Rimmer Brothers a few years ago to attempt this type of mod... it went back and 
forth with them because there was a bushing size issue or a clearance type 
issue... they finally refunded the whole purchase price without asking for the 
bits and pieces back... maybe a few years later (I haven't looked) they got the 
specifics right....


From: Christopher Bock <SeaCubeCo at aol.com>
To: Vince G <vangoughv at hotmail.com>
Cc: FOT List <fot at autox.team.net>
Sent: Wed, December 19, 2012 10:52:37 AM
Subject: Re: [Fot] Coil Overs at the Rear

I did see the conversion from PRI.  It looks sweet and cool. If I had the
green I would go for it.


What about using coil overs and just a single leaf. Use the coil over to do
the ride hight and ride control and let the leaf do the suspension geometry

Any thoughts on how that might work?

Isn't there a picture and a small comment about this in one of Kas books?


On Dec 19, 2012, at 9:59 AM, Vince G <vangoughv at hotmail.com> wrote:

> Charles, there are some set ups out there for the GT6 if you want a
> new/more modern set up. I think PRI sells what looks like a good
> Im on a budget so I took the 15 dollar route and simply added a helper
> to the top of the tired old transverse leaf stack. I bought a 2000# trailer
> spring at princess auto, used the longest leaf, de-arched it to achieve a
> lower ride height and slipped it under the top plate that bolts down onto
> set up.  It was simple, cheap and easy to install and works really well.
> nice that I didn't even have to pull the main leaf out in order to do this
> could out the helper easily and adjust the arch if need be.
> I left in the rotoflex setup and run on performance street tires. I figure
> less likely to break a hub or axle that way but that's just my opinion.
> I have a few grand to blow I may do the rear conversion.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 2012-12-19, at 9:05 AM, "Charles WATSON" <clw2000 at msn.com> wrote:
>> Friends:
>> I see a lot of folks in various marquees (including Triumphs) using
> coil-over
>> shocks in the rear to supplement a tired leaf-spring.  I noticed Ratco is
>> selling this as an upgrade to the TR suspension.  My question, especially
> with
>> regard to a rotoflex axle in my GT6 is, why not?
>> benefits seem to be:
>> - spring travels same path as shock
>> - easily adjustable spring rate and height
>> downsides:
>> - possible space limitations (probably avoidable when going from donut to
> CV)
>> - what am I missing???
>> If you're redoing the entire suspension anyway, is this not a good way to
> go?
>> And if not, has anyone tried the composite "leaf" springs and saved the
> 40-50
>> lbs of steel?
>> Thanks,
>> Chuck Watson
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