[Fot] Another sponsorship for Levy's next book?

J.C. Hassall jhassall at blacksburg.net
Wed Dec 19 08:56:51 MST 2012

On 12/18/2012 7:19 PM, Doug Mitchell wrote:
> You might check with Burt to see if there is still time. The book was supposed to be released this past September, but I know he missed that deadline. Not sure when it will be out now. He owes me a copy when it is released. At any rate, I'd be willing to put in some money.
Doug, good point.  Burt said:

Fortunately for you (?) I'm still writing the blessed thing (full litany of excuses available athttp://www.lastopenroad.com/lameexcuses1.html).
I expect to be done in the spring and have it out early summer. So you still have plenty of time to line up your suck...er, "participating members" and pick a theme. A shot of Henry Frye's motor with the hole through the side at The Mitty might be nice....
Thanks for thinking of me (!!!!) and the participation by FOT is much appreciated!

I'm very pleasantly surprised at the commitment so far; so perhaps we 
should start thinking of a theme for our "ad" if this goes forward.  
Ideas?  Henry, what do you think?




Jim Hassall
Blacksburg VA
'63 TR4 in autox preparation
99% finished, 90% to go

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