[Fot] Zenith-Stromberg needle specs

Robert M. Lang lang at isis.mit.edu
Wed Aug 29 16:33:54 MDT 2012


I found a resource for this - if you google "stromberg-needles.xls", 
you'll get a hit that will take you to lotuselan.net. Download the 
spreadsheet and have at it. You can do side-by-side comparisons of any two 
Zenith Stromberg needles.

To Joe A's comment about using the SU .100 needles or the .090 needles 
with shim stock, you can use the ZS needle profiles to compare to the SU 
needles if you want.

Note: I make absolutely no claim as to whether the numbers on this chart 
are correct, but in the little research I've done on the subject, the 
numbers look pretty close indeed.

Bob Lang              Triumph TR6!!            |  This space for rent
Former NER Solo Chair                          |
Voice:617-253-7438                             |  Cell: 339-927-4489

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