[Fot] Data Acquisition - experience with Innovate Motorsports?

william r tobin william.tobin31 at verizon.net
Sat Oct 15 19:40:27 MDT 2011

Don't sugar-coat it Steve, tell us how you really feel!!
(Apologies to Butch Cassidy)
Thanks for the heads up.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: <Gt6steve at aol.com>
To: <cartravel at pobox.com>; <fot at autox.team.net>
Cc: <saabhuman at aol.com>
Sent: Saturday, October 15, 2011 7:41 PM
Subject: Re: [Fot] Data Acquisition - experience with Innovate Motorsports?

> Innovate and crap that doesn't work????  Oh Hell yeah I have an  opinion!!
> I spent a big amount of money on their system about five years ago and
> never got any results.  I sent it back for analysis and they simply sent 
> it
> back without comment.  Nothing, nada, zilch!  Here's your shit, thanx  for 
> the
> money sucka!
> I am on a vendetta to tell the world about these worthless farks!   Don't
> buy their crap!
> In a message dated 10/15/2011 4:33:38 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time,
> cartravel at pobox.com writes:
> Does  anyone have experience with data acquisition using hardware from
> Innovate  Motorsports?
> Some friends and I are bringing an old water brake dyno  back to life for
> some engine testing. The data acquisition stuff at  Innovate Motorsports
> looked good and they could furnish everything we  needed.  We bought a
> pressure transducer to get torque (thru force  using a hydraulic
> cylinder), a Hall effect sensor to get RPM, and a wide  band oxygen
> sensor for AFR.  These are connected through an interface  "box" which
> goes to an RS232 port using USB to RS232 cable.
> We've  had nothing but problems with their system.  We had to return the
> interface box once already to be fixed (which took about 3 weeks).
> After that we were able to get pressure, but it often loses its settings
> and must be reset.  We get RPM a few seconds before it craps out. No
> AFR.  The whole system is flaky.  I am now sending the box and  sensors
> back a second time.  I think the interface box still has  problems. I
> can't decide whether to give up on them completely. It seems  like it
> shouldn't be this difficult.
> Does anyone else have  experience with this company? Do you have a
> different company you would  recommend? I realize this is a little
> different from data acquisition for  racing, since we are going direct to
> the computer, but thought some of you  might have a suggestion.
> TIA, Larry  Young
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