[Fot] Road Racing ...funny

Robert M. Lang lang at isis.mit.edu
Tue Oct 11 15:26:00 MDT 2011

On Tue, 11 Oct 2011, Robert Deanes wrote:

> that was good ! Had Darrell on the edge  and alot of respect for road racers
> I am sure no matter where they are from.

I'm not certain that DW actually respects anyone, but that's based mostly 
on heresay. That said, I thought the vid was pretty funny in several 
differnt perspectives.

>From what I've heard, any flaggers that ever worked with him in the past 
were probably in hysterics watching the clip.

Bob Lang              Triumph TR6!!            |  This space for rent
Former NER Solo Chair                          |
Voice:617-253-7438                             |  Cell: 339-927-4489

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