[Fot] Engine oil ~

KEVIN LYNCH klynch_6 at msn.com
Mon Oct 31 19:26:47 MDT 2011

I met our local Schaeffer Oil rep down @ Pikes Peak Raceway this last weekend.
(I admit, I'd never heard of this Midwest outfit)
I looked @ some of his data (1600-2000 ppm Zinc etc.) he was showing & then
the price just about knocked me over. $6-7 a quart isn't too shabby for race
oil. He laughed, he enjoys watching faces when they see they compare price.
(his words, not mine) Admittedly, their main market is over-the-road trucking
companies, but they decided to expand their product line-card in a big way.
In addition to our local pro r-racing teams, it seems Hendricks' Teams, some
Petty teams & various/sundry dirt track teams are using Schaeffer exclusively,
so many of you may know these guys well already.
Low marketing activity seems to equate to low costs.
So FWIW, it just may be worth a peek to some of you?


Kev Lynch

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