[Fot] TR7 Head Gasket Issues

Craig Leinicke craigl at leinickegroup.com
Thu May 19 16:12:32 MDT 2011

Looking for some help...

After trailering our land speed TR7 900 miles to run at Maxton NC last
weekend... an issue which we thought we had solved... re-appeared.
On our first run the engine blew the head gasket in the number 4 cylinder
when we shifted into 5th gear. The car still ran 105mph with one cylinder
under water.
This is a 12 to 1 compression engine and we have been using Hylomar sealant
with a conventional high quality British head gasket with some success.
All of our attempts to seal the head with a solid copper gasket have proved
We have contacted Cometic about a multi-layer steel gasket... But no deal.

With an 1800 mile round trip tow to race and gas at over $4.00 per gallon, I
need to eliminate this failure going forward.

Thanks in Advance for your response.

Craig Leinicke
Flashback Racing


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