[Fot] Engine going flat at 4500 rpm

Greg & Alison Blake ablake2 at austin.rr.com
Thu Mar 3 19:15:38 MST 2011

I ran at TWS this past weekend and had some trouble with the TR3.  On Friday
and Saturday I could not get the engine to pull above 5500 RPM in 4th on the
front straight at TWS.  Coming out of the corners in 3rd, I was getting
6000rpm without issue.  I checked the timing and it was rock solid at
32degrees at 3000-5000rpm.  I run H6 carbs with RC needles and 0.100 jets.
I run twin facet cube pumps pushing fuel from the cell at the back.  


On Sunday, we noticed that my cross shaft (at the firewall) had lots of
slop.  It turns out that the cross shaft was rotating about 10 degrees
before it was pulling the little lever back that actuates throttle shaft.  I
had been checking the butter flies by moving the carb linkage at the carbs,
bad mistake.  My butter flies were not fully opening.  So we corrected that
problem (thanks Walt) and at the same time I replaced the Grosse Jets with
Viton tipped float needle valves.  Strange thing was I could not get the car
to run over 4500 rpm on the front straight or pulling out of the corners
after those two changes.  I tried going a bit then a lot richer (to the
point the car would hardly start) thinking that I had just introduced a lot
more airflow at full throttle, but that did not help. 


Any ideas?  I'd like to solve this one at home but I can't replicate the
full load and this problem does not manifest until under full load.




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