BillDentin at aol.com BillDentin at aol.com
Thu Feb 10 09:17:50 MST 2011

In a message dated 02/09/2011 11:08:34 PM Central Standard Time, 
n197tr4 at cs.com writes:

> Tony Adamowicz reports that Toly  was injured helping a stranded motorist 
> in
> a snow storm resulting in the amputation of a leg.
> Some of you may have seen Toly at the TOPEKA event as he joined us there 
> last
> August.


How very, very sad.  Toly was one of the great 'characters' from the Golden 
Age of sports car racing, and among many other things...built and owned 
Hallet.  How sad that now he must deal with these tragic circumstances.  Anyone 
who doesn't know of Toly, but wants to should seek a great 
(autobiographical) book available entitled ONE OFF The Roads, The Races, The Automobiles of 
Toly Arutunoff.  A very FUN read.

Bill Dentinger

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