[Fot] sometimes it runs, and then...

MadMarx tr4racing at googlemail.com
Mon Feb 7 00:17:07 MST 2011

Seems that this issue is heat related.
The MSD 6a can be point trigger. If you use points check these or replace
Also these high output coils do like to fail. The coil expand from heat and
when the isolation is not perfect coil binding can happen.
I would start there.
You also could switch over to a simple Pertronix and see what happens.


-----Urspr|ngliche Nachricht-----
Von: fot-bounces at autox.team.net [mailto:fot-bounces at autox.team.net] Im
Auftrag von Bobby Whitehead
Gesendet: Montag, 7. Februar 2011 04:53
An: FoT Triumph
Cc: George Curl; Bill Haga
Betreff: [Fot] sometimes it runs, and then...

Still working the bugs out of my GT6 re-build from last September. Spent
November at TWS working all weekend long trying to get the car 'dialed in'.
was registering either no temp on an EGR meter or all about way too hot on
EGT meters. I've rebuilt a new intake manifold and just got my carb's back
month from Joe Curto who prepared them when the car was first built. I
faulty temp probes or EGT guage so I ordered a new set from Pegasus.  I also

bought a couple of nice Kas designed velocity stacks and filters from Joe...
looks so very nice...
The leads must have been faulty because today when I started the car
all the temps were in the lower scale, good! Then... the car dies. It did
the other day. Runs, and then just dies. I check the coil the other day by
trying to short the lead when firing... nothing,, nothing,, the spark... the
fired up.
Same thing tonight, starts right up, runs for about a minute, then dies,,,
spark at the coil. I have two MSD 6A's and two MSD coil blasters.. the car
this about a year ago at TWS and I changed out the MSD 6A and the ran. I
the old 6A to the factory and it came back 'BENCH TESTED GOOD, NO FAULTS'
so... I'm not an electrical engineer, what am I missing.. I think I'll try
look at the switches tomorrow and see if there is something loose there...
ideas why I'm having intermittent problems guys?

Bobby Whitehead
#39 DP Triumph GT6+ CVAR Group 7

sponsored by www.toolsandjewels.com
       The Pawn Star of CVAR

too cheesy?
fot at autox.team.net


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