[Fot] Be There or Be Square - The 5th Annual Martha McDougal Races ate VIR 4/8 - 4/10

LOddTR at aol.com LOddTR at aol.com
Tue Feb 22 17:31:52 MST 2011

Now that everyone is shaking off the cobwebs, except for those fortunate  
souls that attended last week's VDCA event at Road Atlanta, it's time to plan 
 your April outings!
The 5th Annual Martha McDougal award will be presented to a special TR  
Racer at the VDCA Wild Hare on VIR's fantastic 3.3 mile track in April. The TR  
Ghetto will again host the Friday evening cookout which has been known to  
feature a fine collection of foods and beverages. 
In addition to the fellowship of your favorite TR buddies, you will enjoy  
more track time than you are likely to buy fuel for. This event is a great 
way  to dive into the 2011 season and have a ball while you're at it. So mark 
your  calendar and load your trailer - BE THERE OR BE SQUARE!
For entry details go to - _http://http://www.vintagedrive.com/_ 
Here is the story of the trophy and why it was named for  Martha:
This Trophy honors Ms. Martha McDougal, a woman who toiled  in almost total 
obscurity for many years at the Triumph automobile plant in  Coventry, 
England.  According to sources believed to be reliable, Martha  was born in 
Coventry in January, 1923. Her parents were tragically killed in the  Blitz and 
Martha was left an orphan at age 16. Although she was not overly  bright, 
she was very resourceful and within months had gotten a job at the  Standard 
Triumph factory emptying the dust bins. Throughout the war and until  the 
demise of the company, Martha made the rounds, day after day, month after  
month, year after year, transferring the trash into her cart and then into the  
large bins behind the factory, without complaint or even one day's absence.  

Over the years Martha became known as the single person who had  completed 
the most "laps" of the Triumph factory and, upon her retirement a few  
months before the final closing of the Coventry plant, she was honored with a  
bronzed pair of high top Keds, her signature footwear.  It is rumored that  at 
the presentation, Sir John himself reminisced about how Martha, who had an  
endearing habit of assigning nicknames to all the staff, would push past 
him in  the hallway and mumble, "Get out of my way you fat  bastard".

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