[Fot] Triumph Rescue to the Rescue

markconsultation at twcny.rr.com markconsultation at twcny.rr.com
Thu Feb 10 15:49:08 MST 2011

Occasionally but not so frequently these daze, a vendor really goes out of his way to help a customer. Yesterday I was a participant in just such an event. Last winter I rebuilt the motor for my dads old vintage racer from a block I purchased from Matt at Tr Rescue. It did have a head-bolt repair but it looked good to Matt, my machinist and myself so it ended up in my TR3...

Well, this summer I got oil in the water and long story mercifully short, the repair pulled and cracked the block. I called Matt hoping to get a comp on another block and perhaps some help on parts. At best I hoped for a grease ball with a block of unknown condition somewhere in the center and maybe a little shaved off on parts. What I picked up yesterday was an inspected block just returned from the machine shop with new cam bearings and a Payne headgasket. Total Charge: Nada, nothing, $0, complementary, special deal just for you today...

I was blown away - this was not his fault, I just hoped for some help that wouldn't cost him personally. 

Triumph Rescue
617 Walnut St.
P.O Box 185
Bally PA 19503
United States of America

610 845 8217

Tell Matt Mark from Ithaca sent you...

Really, vendors like this need our support...



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