[Fot] Tribute Mille Miglia North America

vintage.racer at comcast.net vintage.racer at comcast.net
Sat Dec 10 23:04:58 MST 2011


I had the opportunity to be part of the tech inspection crew prior to the running of this event. During tech, I met John and spent about 20 minutes talking with him about his motivation and cross-country journey. A very touching story which has inspired thousands of people, including the approximately 3,000 that signed the Austin Healey body during his trip. Once the Healey is rebodied, the original, signed body will be put on display at the Peterson Museum in Los Angeles. John plans a second cross country journey in the Healey beginning next month and assuming he'll gather more signatures, the second Healey body will be displayed at the Blackhawk Museum in Northern California. See John's website for more info at www.driveawaycancernow.org. 


----- Original Message -----
From: "Doug Mitchell" <dmitchel at sbcglobal.net> 
To: fot at autox.team.net 
Sent: Saturday, December 10, 2011 7:19:56 PM 
Subject: [Fot] Tribute Mille Miglia North America 


Last month, someone mentioned John Nikas having driven a Healey 
the Mille Miglia Tribute. I happened to see the show listed on 
Velocity last 
weekend. It is being repeated tomorrow at 1 pm EST, 
as well as 12-16 @ 8 pm 
EST and again at 1 pm EST on 12/18. 

John is interviewed at about 47 minutes 
into the show. There is 
also a couple of TRs, a TR6 (French Blue) and a sliver 
with a polished partial tonneau. 

fot at autox.team.net 


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