[Fot] More on 50th anniversary sticky back graphics

Joe Curry spitlist at cox.net
Thu Dec 8 18:45:31 MST 2011

When I have established the final requirements for the initial production
run, I will post a message to the FOT with copies to all who have expressed
interest in getting in on the production the details of ordering.

Because of the time of the year, I am thinking that production will actually
occur sometime in the middle of January.

So anybody who wants to get in on this will need to get their input to me by
the end of Dec or certainly before Mid-January.

Joe C.

-----Original Message-----
From: Christopher Bock [mailto:SeaCubeCo at aol.com] 
Sent: Thursday, December 08, 2011 6:36 PM
To: Rocky Entriken
Cc: Joe Curry; FOT
Subject: Re: [Fot] More on 50th anniversary sticky back graphics

Good question Rocky. 

I am interested in 2 of the 6.75 wide. 

How to pay?


On Dec 8, 2011, at 4:30 PM, "Rocky Entriken" <rocky at spitfire4.com> wrote:

> I'm in for five of the 6.75" wide.
> How do I pay you? Can I send a check?
> --Rocky Entriken
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Joe Curry" <spitlist at cox.net>
> To: "'FOT'" <fot at autox.team.net>
> Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2011 6:38 PM
> Subject: [Fot] More on 50th anniversary sticky back graphics
>> After receiving input from several interested people, I have come up with
>> the following sizes that work out with the sizing of the printer that is
>> used to create them for the most favorable pricing.
>> Size:      11.6" wide x 6.3" high         $25.00 each  based on a minimum
>> printing of 25 decals
>>             10" wide x 5.5" high           $22.50 each  based on a
>> printing of 25 decals
>>             6.75" wide x 3.75" high      $12.00 each  based on a minimum
>> printing of 25 decals
>> I can mix and match sizes to come up with the required quantity of 25
>> because the colors are all the same for all sizes and can run them
>> back-to-back.
>> I am committed to doing at least one printing so any firm commitments to
>> of more sizes will be appreciated so I can get on with the first run.
>> Cheers,
>> Joe Curry
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