[Fot] FW: Invitation for Private Showing of Senna

Barr, Scott sbarr at McCarty-Law.com
Fri Dec 23 07:04:29 MST 2011

For those of you in the Midwest U.S. (or anyone else who'd like to
come!), I've been asked to forward the following invitation from Jim
Perry (red P1800 Volvo, racing with VSCDA and Midwestern Council):

Your Friends at P and B Motorsports & Fox Valley Region PCA Invite You
to a Private Showing of "Senna", in Blu-Ray

Thursday Evening, January 5, 2012  7 PM

Barlow Planetarium at UW-Fox Valley

1478 Midway Road, Menasha

Seating is limited to the first 98 people who respond to Jim Perry at
pandbmotorsports at gmail.com

Seats are free but reserved and assigned in order of receipt!

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