[Fot] Nomination for Brad Burry, future RMVR member

toodamnfunky at comcast.net toodamnfunky at comcast.net
Mon Dec 19 11:31:18 MST 2011

Greetings FoT

I would like to nominate Brad Burry to our ranks. He is the Director of Design
and Fabrication at

RaceKraft & Design. He has been building and restoring race cars such as
McLarens, Lolas, Porsches

and Ferraris for over 20 years. He is currently building a TR-6 to compete
with us in the RMVR.

I have seen his work and I'm quite certain he has forgotten more than I will
ever know.B 

Do I have a second ?

Thanks as always,

Jim Gray

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