[Fot] Accusump

Rocky Entriken rocky at spitfire4.com
Fri Sep 17 13:53:49 MDT 2010

No, it was full-tilt-boogie on the track each time.

But back then the bearings were usually "done" even on the good cylinders. 
The wear was obvious (although each blown engine was a con-rod bolt failure) 
Today they come out looking like near-new.

Some have said that there should be enough oil on startup that it's okay. 
Maybe on startup for the afternoon after you've run in practice that 
morning, but how about the startup after it's been sitting silent in your 
garage for five weeks? Try this: pour oil on something and then let it sit 
for five weeks and see how much is left. Yeah, I thought so.

Look at it this way: An Accusump really doesn't cost that much, and with 
reasonable care it'll last forever (Mine's 30 years old now). And you cannot 
argue that having oil pressure before startup isn't a good thing. How much 
difference it makes, that you might argue -- but it doesn't hurt anything 
and it could help. I've never regretted it.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Randall" <TR3driver at ca.rr.com>
Cc: <fot at autox.team.net>
Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2010 12:30 AM
Subject: Re: [Fot] Accusump

>> That was, oh, about 1980. I blew an engine in 1977 and
>> another in 1980.
> At startup?
> Randall
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