[Fot] Accusump

Bill Babcock billb at bnj.com
Wed Sep 15 09:54:13 MDT 2010

Probably only worthwhile if you pull the plugs first, otherwise you're
probably shortening the life of an already overworked starter. Of course if
you do that make sure you disconnect the power lead to the coil, or you're
sending sparks everywhere and shortening the life of an overworked coil,
distributor, and plug wires. Then reconnect everything quickly and fire it up.
Or flip on the ignition switch with an accusump connected and wait for your
oil pressure to peak at 20 pounds and start it while the system is fully

Hmm, I wonder which is better.

On Sep 15, 2010, at 8:17 AM, Tim Murphy wrote:

> Is there any advantage to cranking the engine without ignition until the
> pressure comes up and then flipping the ignition on to fire it?  If would
> seem the loads on the bearings with just cranking it over would be quite a
> bit less, and less damaging, than actually firing the engine immediately.
> Tim

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