[Fot] [FOT] Grill Badges.... Who wants one? $30 each

n197tr4 at cs.com n197tr4 at cs.com
Fri Sep 3 05:33:00 MDT 2010



I would be in for (4) of them.

We should agree on the configuration and artwork.

I would put of them proudly on the two race cars.

If you are on this list you should consider participating.

The FOT has become well respected and has increased the value  & respect of
our TRIUMPHS in racing.

Kas said it was not uncommon to see 20 or more TR4s on the grid in the 60s.

(The return to glory was seen at TOPEKA)

The FOT BADGE on our cars will make a great statement.


-----Original Message-----
From: christopher bock <SeaCubeCo at aol.com>
To: FoTTriumph <fot at autox.team.net>
Sent: Thu, Sep 2, 2010 10:41 pm
Subject: [Fot] [FOT] Grill Badges.... Who wants one? $30 each

I am willing to champion this cause........
This is the place I was thinking of using....   www.arniebrown.com
ook at the badges and see the quality and history for yourself.   I
m thinking of a 3 inch badge.
There is a 40 piece minimum order.
$30 per badge that includes shipping to you.
If your interested send payment via paypal (SeaCubeCo at aol.com) or
nail mail (Chris Bock, 3630 Italia Ave, Vineland NJ,08361)  include
our contact info ,quantity of Badges and of course payment.

he deadline is NOVEMBER 1.   That is the deadline.  Hopefully that
ill give them and me time enough to get the badges out for
HRISTMAS!  Is there any better present?  If we don't get 40 by then
 will refund everyones money.
This is the artwork I was thinking of using.........o?<

P.S. what about banners or flags?
ot at autox.team.net
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